Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Thanksgiving Eve

* I missed the survey on the best holiday pie on CNBC. Now I'll never know.

* Surprise, surprise, Sgt. Carter! Stocks are up! I think the market closes up, and the rally continues on the half-day action on friday. Just a guess.

* Fleck has a warning up at MSN on the pension crisis, both Social Security and private pensions.

* Thumbs up, on Netflix. I like my DVDs by mail. They're customer service is great, too.

* I'd say my favorite pie is blueberry, but I'm not much of a pie person. If I never had pie again, it probably wouldn't bother me too much. Same thing with pastries and sweets. I can skip 'em.

* Did you read about the grilled cheese sandwich that has an image of the Virgin Mary that fetched $28,000? Heck, you can probably get one made at my cafe here at the Fun Factory for $3, and the grill cook might even arrange the grease so you get some image on the bread for ya.

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