Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Compounded Disappointment

  • Well, this year's fantasy football drafts are over. Lots of preparation based on last year's statistics and hype what players will do in the next few months.
  • Kind of like reading charts and predicting future earnings.  And even with all the charting software and latest company info, the next thing you know, your stock gets released and then signed by the Detroit Lions.
  • Today was a very ugly day for the bulls.  What started out as optimism over the UCLA overtime win over 7-pt. favorite Tennessee and collapsing oil prices , turned into a huge reversal.  Even Yahoo Finance seemed baffled:  There was no apparent catalyst for the change in sentiment, although the retreat may have been compounded after traders were disappointed that stocks were unable to maintain their opening gains.
  • There you have it:  Compounded Disappointment is the reason.  Got it!
  • I remain long and weary this market.  Seems like it's forever stuck in the funk.  It won't be, of course.  Right now, all in the media headlines is negative news.  I expect that to remain during the campaign season as the Democratic ticket is running on how this is the worst economy in the history of the planet. 
  • Sarah Palin makes the VP slot on McCain's ticket.  The Governor of Alaska is an interesting choice.  Doesn't make or break the ticket for me, as the opposition party is planning on raising my taxes if elected.  Why would I vote to tax myself more?  I'd rather spend that cash in Las Vegas than give it to Washington DC. 
  • Hey, have you watched the Sci-Fi show Eureka?  I've had 20 episodes sitting on the DVR forever, and powered through a few this past week.  I like it.