Tuesday, April 19, 2005

No Pain, No Gain

* Just a quick thought on the market. Because the market has been up a couple days and sentiment has been wildly bearish. We had good news from Texas Instruments last night, and today Intel and Yahoo are making some noise afterhours. There are lots of bears waiting to short any rally, so we'll see if they're the greater fool on this correction and shorting on the last downtick, or if they're right and there is more down to come.

* Did you e-file your tax return?

* I decided to mix up my exercise routine some, and went back to lifting weights. Boy, my muscles are rebelling today. Feels good, though. No pain, no gain.

* Every season of 24, Jack Bauer fights the government red tape machine. It's so predictable, and so frustrating. So last night, on the interrogation of a witness who was being protected by Amnesty International, Jack quits CTU so he can "personally" interrogate the guy. Oh brother. I'm hooked anyways. But, oh brother.

* Allergies are conducting Operation Desert Storm against me today. It's a full on assault.

* Somebody told me that AC/DC's new CD will be out in August. I did see that they're DVD "Family Jewels" is the number one music DVD right now. I saw them in concert before, I don't need the DVD.

* I should be working. I have much to do. Yet...

* When I was in college, I lifted weights 2-3 hours a day. I'd lift until I'd be stuck under the weights. Somebody would have to help, or if I was alone I'd have to unlock the plates and slide them off and roll my body out from under the bar. Dumb, in retrospect.

* Yeah, American Idol, the Amazing Race, and Veronica Mars tonight. Tuesdays are a holy day.

* I'd psych myself up when I was lifting. I was doing so much weight that sometimes it hurt just picking up the bar. I'd yell out "Oh yeah, that's it baby!" when the pain and strain hit. Kind of goofy, in retrospect.

* Green bananas. Blech. Banana trees should have evolved some locking mechanism, that wouldn't allow bananas to be picked until they're done cooking (ripe).

* I know, in reality, bananas are picked very green and by the time they're in the store, they start turning yellow. Which is interesting, that fruit ripens after it's picked from the tree. Does it even need the tree? Can fruit be grown out of a test tube? Test Tube Fruit?

* I was dating this girl in college, and when I'd go to work out I'd say "Gotta work out. No pain, no gain." And she'd reply "What's wrong with no pain? I like no pain. No pain, no pain."

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