Thursday, April 21, 2005

Rally Caps

* One day does not a trend make, but nice to finaly see a big up day in the markets. Now, some follow through days would be appreciated!

* OK, so the American Idol voters got the bottom three right this week, in Scott, Anthony and Anwar. But I can't believe Scott escaped yet again. It's like he's covered in grease or something. His days are numbered.

* Google surprises to the upside afterhours, for whatever that's worth.

* Buh-bye, Anwar. You started of strong and faded quickly. Poor song choices probably did you in; and maybe your singing style was a bit too repetitive up against the others. But, you can definitely sing. And you're way better than Scott.

* How about that whole cast song of Shine or whatever it was? That was unbearable. Horrible. As Simon might say, I've heard better in Karaoke bars.

* You know how on VCR machines you eventually ran out of tapes because you recorded a bunch and didn't watch it? Well, same sort of thing happens with XP media center, and Tivos I guess, in that you run out of hard disk space. I've been recording the mini-series Revelation. But, you know, I've read the book and as I recall in the end, God wins. Maybe I can skip the TV series.

* Have you seen a satellite shot of your house at yet? Kind of neat. Pictures are about a year old or so.

* Busy here. It's affecting my dreams. I need to get this project done.

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