Thursday, May 26, 2005

Gummie Bears

* Nice strength in the stock market today, after 1 down day with late-day buying. Hah. Well, for folks who follow the holiday investing methodology, they're ready for Memorial Day. The markets are usually bullish around Memorial Day. And month-end 401k stuff. But then we have earnings warning season coming up. And gas prices will have geared up for summer. So looks like we might have enough fuel for a little June selloff. I'd be paying attention to the retest of the top to get any sell signals.

* It's thursday. Do you know where your reality shows are? I mean, is there anything on tonight? What am I supposed to do? I forgot what life was like prior to TV season.

* My friend is emailing me about how sick she is after eating a sack of gummie bears. A whole sack. Good grief.

* Since my project ended, I've been in mind-numbing relax mode. I've had a few things to do, but nothing that requires more than a few minutes here and there. Rumors have it that we're hiring somebody new here at the Fun Factory, so I'm not sure if that person will be on my team or not. I guess I wouldn't mind a summer full of mentoring somebody. That'd make for a relaxing summer.

* Maybe I'll go gambling tonight.

* Thank goodness for blogging. It really has been quite a lifesaver. There are folks out there who I really don't know at all, yet I follow their blogs almost daily. It's really cool.

* A whole sack of gummie bears. LOL.

* I have exactly 40 minutes before the deli closes if I want to get a snack. I'm not going to be one of these idiots who plunk money down the vending machine black holes. And no Reese's Pieces today.

* Did you know that William Peterson, of CSI Las Vegas, was in an HBO movie called Long Gone with Virginia Madsen? It was a good movie.

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