Monday, May 08, 2006

Monday Digest

  • The market?  Ever notice how bulls explain a down or flat day as the market "digesting" or "consolidating" its gains?  It gives good rational for staying long, but I'm not sure it means anything.  Makes folks sound smart, so maybe I'll start saying stuff like that more often than I already do!
  • I keep forgetting to change my fantasy baseball lineup.  Mondays and thursdays tend to be off-days for some teams, so it's important to rotate players around to maximize number of starts.  It hasn't cost me yet.  (I think that cartoon frog is one of my starting pitchers today!)
  • I finaly noticed that Paris was eliminated from last week's American Idol.  She was my early favorite, but poor song choices doomed her.  As did great performances by Chris and McPheever.  I think it'll eventually get down to those two.  It's just who gets voted off next, Taylor or Elliot?
  • Also caught up with The Amazing Race (non-elimination round saved the hippies)...  And The Apprentice (hot babe Charmaine and MENSA Tarek get fired by Trump.)   On America's Next Top Model, Furonda has to pack her bags and leave immediately.  I'm pulling for Joanie.  Don't like Jade.
  • Politics?  Another Vent from Michelle Malkin, this time on "hookergate."  Libertarian Republican reflects on Bush's greatest Presidential accomplishment, catching a 7.5lb perch.  And Captain's Quarters notes that Iran to send a letter to US, in "Dear Satan, how are you?"  Who writes letters these days?  Use email!  I don't know if the staff at the White House bother going through all the Pennysavers, pre-approved credit card invitations, mortgage refinance and home equity loan offers.  They may not find the letter from Iran in the pile.

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