Saturday, May 06, 2006

Saturday's Quick Hits

  • Michelle Malkin has an interesting video Vent up at Hotair (hat tip to Expose the Left).  I'm not a member of any political party, but I am fiscally conservative.  I like some Dems, I like some GOPers.  Depends on where they stand on fiscal issues.  I think Michelle Malkin is clever and funny, so I keep track of her blog and enjoyed this Vent. 
  • I normally wake up fairly early on the weekends, but I'm feeling so worn down that I didn't crawl out of the sack until 10am! Dreams are strange.  Too much personal and emotional stress the past few weeks plays some amazing tricks on the body.
  • So it is saturday, and after wiping out a bowl (and a half) of Optimum Slim cereal, I'm ready to start my day.  What's on tap?  My coworkers bought me a tree rose to remember Dad, so I'm trying to figure out where to plant that.  I also plan on an hour bike ride here shortly.
  • I dowloaded the podcast from Gary Kaltbaum's friday show to listen to on the bike ride.  My guess is that he's pretty excited about the market as it makes new highs.  I'll follow-up on this and let you know. 
  • I missed the Fox Business Block, and didn't have my PC on to record it.  Doh!  Mostly folks rippin' each others stock picks for 30 minute blocks, but it's fairly enjoyable.  I never get any trading ideas out of it, but I like to see folks give their perspectives.  We do learn from others.
  • It's May 6th, make the most of it!

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