Sunday, May 07, 2006

Quick Hits (and a Conservation Idea!)

  • Finaly saw King Kong today. It was watchable, but quite the long movie. It was a little too Jurassic Park for me while on Skull Island. I'm not sure how Kong didn't hurt Ann Darrow while fighting three T-Rex or swinging from vines. I did like a less goofy and more sinister Jack Black as the director. 
  • With small cap stocks having a much better run than the large cap, especially in tech, not surprising to see the new equal-weighted Nasdaq 100 ETF.  I wonder if this is a little late to the ballgame, though.  These products seem to come to market after the major move.
  • Have you had a Fresca lately?  I like 'em.

  • Patrick Kennedy... Do you believe it was the Ambien?  Me neither.  Even if it was, somebody like Kennedy should know not to get behind the wheel of a car after taking a mind-altering substance.  I'm just sad that the officer at the scene didn't get a blood test on the guy so we could stop the speculation on whether it was Ambien or something else.  But that didn't happen, so we're going to have the big question mark forever on what really happened that night.
  • Peak driving season coming up.  I think the swoon in energy prices is temporary.  I was reading in the Sacramento Bee's Forum section about the terrible things that would happen as gasoline went to $4 or $5 a gallon.  I think folks would keep buying fuel, conserve a little, and spend less on dining out.  As you know, all this nonsense about higher energy prices being "inflationary" is a bunch of gas itself.  How can sending more money to OPEC instead of the malls be inflationary?  It's not.  In addition, if Bernanke keeps raising rates and fuel prices keep going up, we're going to be staring down a recession.  Recessions aren't inflationary, either.

  • The Los Angeles Lakers had a 3-1 lead in the best of seven series in round 1 of the NBA playoffs.  And then the wheels came off.  Phoenix went on to win 3 in a row to beat Kobe and Krew.  I think Phoenix is the better team, but defense wins championships and the Suns are lacking a little there.  LAL had a good shot in game 6, though.  I missed the series with all of my personal stuff going on the past couple weeks.
  • I just wish the TNT crew was around for the next round.  They're far better than the others.  I think Earnie, Kenny and Chuck are the best.  Sometimes I don't even watch the games, but flip it over at halftime or postgame to catch their comments.
  • I think the President should lead a national conservation effort along the lines of the Blue Diamond almonds campaign.  Blue Diamond asks us to consume "a can a week."  What if Bush asked Americans to "not drive" to work one day a week?  Bush could get up and ask folks to make an effort one day (or more) per week to carpool, take alternative transportation, or telecommute.  It'd conserve fuel, ease traffic congestion, and improve air quality.   Win, win, and win.

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