- Scientists identify brain's concept control core. Mmmm... donuts. For some reason, I read this and thought "Homer Simpson." That shows you the depth of my concept control core!
- Why even have a Black Box if I'm going to ignore it? Holy smokes. But kudos to the Black Box for the sell signal on the QQQQ. Now is today a one-day wonder or something more serious? Could it be normal pre-options week weakness or something more ominous? I remain long with a black eye today.
- The Black Box gave its first signal ever on the USO friday night, and that wasn't so good. Oil continues to tumble. You know the fundamental stories. Summer driving season is over. Wait and see with Iran. Economy slowing a little.
- Nebraska baseball game lasts 30-hours. It lasted 84 hours. Good grief, I hope they didn't cut off beer sales in the 7th inning! Far from a pitcher's duel, this year's game was won by the Alliance Times-Herald Dragons, which beat the WESTCO Knights, by a score of 120 to 114.
- Bill Cara says that the bear market rally may be over. I think this view could set up the final retest of the summer correction lows, if the bears are emboldened enough. But I don't think we're in a bear market just yet. I'm "hoping" today was a one-day wonder, much like the rallies that came and went after the May highs.
- How'd the semiconductors do? Here are some quotes of the semiconductor ETFs I follow: SMH, IGW, and PSI. It's also an excuse to see if I was able to integrate the Yahoo Quote script in my blogging template. About 3% down for all of them today. Yikes. I own a little SMH.
- Calculated Risk on the beige book for housing, concluding Declines in home sales, increases in inventory, rising foreclosures, flat or declining prices ... a bleak picture for housing at the end of August. I heard someone on the Fox Business Block this last weekend saying that they were taking the contrarian view on housing. Since everyone was bearish, they were going the other way. Can't remember if they were going long housing stocks or talking about housing in general. But tough to be a bull on housing. I don't think it'll get very ugly until job losses mount, and I don't see the economy slowing down that much just yet.