Friday, September 22, 2006

Seasonal Swoon?

  • The market? Well, fridays tend to move the opposite direction of the weekly trend but this week has been interesting.  Where's the weekly trend in the SPY chart?
  • Having raised some cash last week and again this week, I'm anticipating a Sept-Oct seasonal swoon. I don't think it'll be that major, but I wanted to have some cash to reload on beta somewhere down the road.  I don't see a market catalyst until end of month and quarter next week.  Then there's the sell Rosh Hashana and buy Yom Kippur thing.  Not too anxious to be a dip buyer today.  Maybe towards the middle of next week, though.  Have to wait and see. 
  • Speaking of, Rosh Hashana starts today at sundown.  So, avoid the rush and leave work a little early to pick up the beer keg. Wooot!
  • Ooh, that football pick worked out barely.  Yea Yellow Jackets.  I needed the win after last week's drubbing!
  • The wind must be blowing around 60mph here today.  Hope the fence is up when I get home.

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