Wednesday, January 19, 2005

American Idol

* Some of those people need a Plan B! In yet another installment of American Idol, last night was the first of the auditions clips. Yes, 2 hours worth of America the Beautiful and such was a bit too much. But we all watched, didn't we?

* Are you noticing that during the first couple weeks of the year, the market would open up positive and close negative? Are we now in a period where the market opens up negative and closes positive? (Hey, let me have my dream...)

* I receive some interesting emails about this blog. Either people like the bullets, or complain about 'em. The reason I do this, is because I'm working and can't actually devote the time to put together a 500-word essay. Instead, I just open up the blogger window, and jot down thoughts as the day progresses. That's probably the way it'll be.

* Gary Smith over at reminds us that according to the Stock Traders Almanac, February is (historically) the 2nd weakest month of the year for stocks.

* When Social Security reform happens, I bet it ends up a combination of raising the Social Security wage cap to deal with the funding gap, and a privitization system that looks somewhat like the Federal Government employee Thrift Savings Program. Just a thought.

* I think the market is oversold. What's kind of strange, is that the market can't seem to rally on good earnings numbers.

* How long does it take to audition a gym full of people auditioning for American Idol? That's one long day! Most of those folks can't sing; but, believe they can. And some are just crazy and scarey!

* I think the Patriots will beat the Steelers.

* Did you read that Universal Studios is going to have a new show that's based on Fear Factor? There will be audience participation... NO THANKS!

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