Thursday, January 13, 2005

Sleeping With Your Sister

* Gruesome title, but that's what happened on last night's episode of "Lost." The Korean woman speaks English! (What do you want to bet that her husband does, too?) And, don't step on sea urchins. Where does the hatch lead to, anyways? Why doesn't the compass point in the right direction? So many questions, and only an hour each week...

* I think that the stock market is weak early might be a good sign that there is fear in the market, and that should be what lifts us higher. Long and strong! We shall see. It's always tough gambling ahead of earnings news, because look what just happened to UPS. And then yesterday on the otherhand, Apple! I think Yahoo earnings will be good next week and the stock has been coming down as if folks are bearish on it. I believe the surprise will be on the upside for them.

* I was in a hurry and grabbed one of those mass-produced muffins from the cafe. Have you ever looked at the nutrition label on those things? They're like calorie bombs. 600 calories, more or less. Almost half fat, too! And it's not like they're that filling. Especially when you only eat half of one.

* I watched part of "Alias," but got distracted about the point where Jennifer Garner faked the car wreck to get in the guy's house. Let me guess what happened: She had on a bunch of sexy outfits and while there were some close calls, somehow she managed to save the day. How'd I do?

* Speaking of nutrition labels, did you see that the new government food recommendations include more whole grains and veggies? Glad they've come around. Now, just get rid of the meat and dairy...

* A comment on Iraq? Hold the elections. It's going to be shaky no matter when their held. Get a President. Move forward. Always, move forward.

* Should we be surprised at that sales number from Apple yesterday? Doesn't it seem like all the kids (and their parents) own iPods at this point? Their revenues must've jammed ahead of the holidays. Do you think that Apple can keep up that kind of pace? After everyone has an iPod... then what? (They do have their music sales; assuming everyone doesn't just share songs with each other.)

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