Saturday, January 28, 2006

Random Thoughts for Saturday

  • Even though my previous post indicates some creeping doubt about the markets going forward, I am long the market.  I don't have sell signals yet from the Black Box.  Not that it's a crystal ball, but I do use it to adjust beta rather than relying on my emotions.
  • Caught up in Battlestar Galactica.  It's one of the better sci-fi series. Watching TV via DVD is so much better.  No commercials, and no cliffhangers.  My just-as-geeky buddies are recommending Firefly and Serenity, so I'll put those in the on-deck circle.

  • If Greenspan (and Bernanke) are done raising short term rates, then loans that are based on the short-term rate are done going up for now.   All eyes will be on Greenspan this next week.

  • I don't like it that Wall Street Journal has made Barron's an add-on subscription.  Current subscribers to the on-line WSJ got jilted in this deal.  I'm cancelling.  F'em.  The internet has diminished the value of their publications anyways.   JMHO.

  • I should've went in to the Fun Factory today.  I have so much work to do.  But can't get motivated.   The requirements I'm getting are on such shakey ground, that as a developer I feel like I'm spinning my wheels.  And then respinning them in a few days.   I've already raised the flag on expectations...

  • I was in college when Challenger crashed 20 year ago. I remember walking into the classroom and the TV was on to the news. Seems like it happened just yesterday.

  • I recorded the Fox business block and watched it this afternoon.  I have to admit that I'm feeling the euphoria, too.  I hear one guy mention CY, and I look it up and put it in The Black Box.   I hear another guy mention JNJ, and I'm back on the PC bringing up the chart and looking at the dividend.  It's contagious, this bullishness.  Heck, I'd like to be in the next stock that's going up 20% in a few weeks or after a mention on Cramer's Mad Money.

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