Wednesday, March 09, 2005

American Idol Womens Bracket

* Well, I don't think the women are as good as the men this year overall. Jessica Sierra had another great night.

* Semiconductors up again slightly, but the market down. Is this just pre-options week positioning? Lots of fear on oil prices, and even President Bush was out talking about alternative energy today. Bonds also took a beating today, as rates headed up. Watch real estate as interest rates rise. Home prices have been parabolic the last few years, and when they regress to the mean, some folks will get hurt.

* You know those pre-formed taco shells? I just hate it when you get one that's not folded in the middle. You know? The one that's like folded at 3/4ers and totally jacked up. Why don't they discard those and give you a better one? Where's the quality control?

* Here's what they sang last night.

* For some reason, I feel really stressed lately. On edge. Irritable. I don't know why.

* Do you think John Kerry or Al Gore should run in 2008? Hillary? It's probably too far off to think about. In CA, we'll likely have a special election in the fall to vote up or down Arnold's stuff, then the 2006 elections. Plenty to argue about for the near future!

* Three nights of American Idol a week are too much.

* Sometimes, the stock market sells off into wed-thurs pre-options week, then rallies. Lets file that under "When you wish upon a star."

* I still think oil is making a double-top. I could be wrong. But the folks calling for $80 oil are back out from under the rock they crept under last time oil was this high and subsequently pulled back into the 40's. (At that time, the folks calling for $25 oil crawled out from under their rock!)

* Is the low-rise jeans fad still en vogue?

* Back to the grind. Maybe I just need some caffeine.

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