Monday, March 21, 2005

Back in the Saddle

* It was just a matter of time before the hackers went after VOIP subscribers. It looks like they're figuring out a way to hijack folks' ATT or Vonage accounts and make long distance calls.

* I come back after a week off, and everybody has been selling stocks. Looks like the "March Low" thesis is playing out. (Unless it goes into April, of course.) I remain 100% invested. I think we're close to a rally, but whether or not we'll make a new high or just go retest the previous high and fail at a lower level is what I'll be watching.

* I've missed a ton of reality shows, so it'll take me a bit to get back in the saddle.

* Did you watch Spring Break Shark Attack last night? I watched the opening scene, with the cheesecake on the raft getting upended. And that was about it. That show was the most overhyped thing during the March Madness commercials. Lots of heavy sighs in the sports bar.

* So, is caffeine okay or not with regards to blood sugar? Coffee is okay? I guess soda is bad? Hmm.

* Did you read that GM plans on cutting salaried staff? I guess this means that if you're willing to work for free, you're more than welcome to stay.

* Even though crude oil is at a new high, I'm sticking with my double-top call. CNBC showed gasoline prices over $3 down in Southern California. When you think about it, higher oil prices are probably keeping the economy moving along without overheating. If folks are spending more at the pump, then they're not spending that money on other things. It's not like folks will cut back on their driving. People have to get to work and drive their kids to soccer practice. That won't stop. But maybe they'll cut back on the lattes or going to the movies.

* Why did CBS advertise Spring Break Shark Attack during the NCAA tournament games? Is that their target audience? Beer-swillin' sports bettors? Not unless they put odds on the over-under of hot chicks that were shark food.

* Politics... What do you think of the Terri Schiavo goings on? Shees, that's a tough one. It's easy to understand both the husband's and the family's point of view. I'm glad I haven't had to make that kind of decision.

* GM has a revenue-expenditure problem, is that the gist of what's going on? That would mean to me that they have the option of raising prices or cutting expenses. They have to remain competitive with the other auto makers, so looks like they're addressing the expense side first.

* Iranian Leader Says He's Ready to Battle to Death. Well. Okay.

* I made good use of my Treo 650 while out of town. It's a pretty nifty gizmo.

* Is it just me, or does it seem like the tech market is overwhelmed with MP3 players and cellphones? How are these companies going to make money with all that competition and one-ups every few weeks? (One-ups being that every week, the latest tech gizmo has a new can't-live-without feature.)

* So, if you watched Spring Break Shark Attack, do you feel that "it's safe to go back in the water?" Looking at the previews and opening scene, I think it's okay to go back in the water if you're unattractive. It seems that sharks only eat good looking people. Picky eaters I guess.

* Riddle me this, riddle me that... What is so crude about oil that they'd call it crude oil?

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