Friday, September 07, 2007

Rita PLUS the Drew Brees Indicator

  • Hmm, big controversy on Rita Cosby's voice. I think it's a little creepy that folks are devoting time on YouTube uploads comparing her voice from time to time.  Yet, I realize that everyone needs a hobby.  So I'm go with the flow on this one.
  • Starting from September 6th, 2007, there is a 100% correlation between New Orleans Saints' Quarterback Drew Brees and the SP500.  If Drew Brees sucks, the market sucks the following trading day.  I'll keep an eye on the Drew Brees Indicator all season long.
  • Adam Warner weighs in on Financial Blogs and You.
  • My thoughts on financial blogs?  Info-tainment.  I believe everyone has to find their own way through the financial maze.  I don't think anyone is going to get rich following hot stock tips from a blog.  I tend to read blogs that are more general and high-level.  How I apply (or don't apply) those concepts or thoughts depends on my interpretation and style.  And if the blog throws in some humor and wit, it quickly becomes a favorite.
  • Maybe Rita Cosby should do a financial blog.  Or a financial podcast or vcast so the voice controversy can continue!
  • I like the Dolphins and the Eagles this weekend to cover.

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