Monday, July 25, 2005

As the Stomach Churns

* So, I went and saw Star Wars III finaly. It was the most entertaining of the prequels. I don't know if the transformation from Anakin to Darth Vader was that smooth, though. He fell pretty quickly.

* I've got the stomach flu. Bleh. I can't remember if you're supposed to feed a cold, starve a fever or whatever. Nothing's going down that well. Going to the bathroom has become a religious experience the past couple days. I seem to be a little better today. Last night was rough.

* Netflixin'... Did you see Taxi with Jimmy Fallon and Queen Latifah? Ohh, major stinker. I didn't like anything about it. I liked Flight of the Phoenix, although I'm not sure why they were flying in a WWII bomber. It was entertaining enough.

* Humor: Roberts confirmation hearing. Yeah, he might as well be on a game show!

* The market? Maybe a little down, until folks anticipate the month-end strength cycle? I don't know.

* Michelle Malkin is hot. She's a conservative pundit with an active blog. Smart and kind of funny.

* Nap time.

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