Friday, July 01, 2005

Room Temperature Water

* Room temperature water. Blech. It's gotta be iced, iced, baby.

* My crew is all out today. It's just me and you.

* Watching fireworks this year? Don't drink and drive.

* Life without caffeine is great. I wish I would've quit years ago. I'm a lot more alert, and have tons more energy. And it's more constant. I used to have lots of ups and downs during the day. Probably depending on when I last medicated myself with coffee or soda. But now, it's great. Try it.

* I wonder what Sheryl Crow is doing right now?

* Sandra Day O'Conner quitting the Supremes. So that means we'll have tons of political arguing to enjoy over the summer. Everybody Bush nominates will be accused of being a right-wing radical by the Democrats. In otherwords, business as usual!

* Tom Cruise is pretty bizarre. I finaly heard a clip of his Today Show rant. I think it's great for him to do what he thinks is best for himself, but the lecture was a bit much.

* I haven't made a stock trade since a few weeks ago when I dumped tech and went into the broader market index.

* Yawn.