When I first started listening to realmoney radio on my nightly jogs last year, I'd hear Cramer mention a stock or two and mention why he liked it. Sometimes his fundamental reason for liking a stock would grab my curiosity, so I'd look it up and run it through my Black Box and see if it looked interesting from my vantage point. Sometimes it did. Usually it didn't.
But the show has lost the ability to provide me with any sort of fundamental value. Just the mention of a stock can send it rising or falling almost immediately. Whatever interest I may have had in a stock suddenly is wiped away as the stock gaps in one direction. It seems as if those who watch the TV show are tuning into the radio show, trying to get a preview of what might be talked about afterhours on TV. This is a shame, because I value hearing other perspectives on the market. But this sort of action diminishes whatever value that had for me.
I recognize what it's all about at this point. It's about entertainment. It's about being the biggest show in town. The circus has come to town! And I never much liked the circus. The clowns always scared me. Maybe that was my body's self-defense mechanism kicking in, warning me to avoid clowns. So, that's what I do.