Wednesday, March 29, 2006


  • Ah, patience.  Mr. Miyagi taught Daniel-san about patience in Karate Kid.  It's the toughest thing about investing.  We all want to see instant results.  We buy stocks, we expect them to immediately move up.  We sell stocks, and we sit on the sidelines expecting the market to tank and prove us to be wise.  Rarely does the market provide such instant gratification.  In fact, I think the market teases us and lets doubt creep in, driving us to second guess our decisions and make emotional decisions.  Wax on, wax off, Mr. Miyagi.
  • The market looks strong this morning.  Semis and Techs seem to be leading the way.  Small cap growth looks good, too.
  • The anti-free market folks in France (most of the population) are sure upset with the idea that workers could be fired.  Unemployment in France is just under 10%, but over 20% for young folks.
  • American idol was pretty painful last night.  I think sticking one's head in a bucket of suds would've been better...  The worst: Lisa and Ace.  Paula asking about Ace's scare was pretty strange, considering the American Idol gossip.  I still think Lisa looks like a Cosby kid.  The best:  Paris and Taylor.   Bizarre song choices:  Mandisa and Chris.  Okay, maybe Pickler should be in that list, too.  Elliot and McPheever sang well enough to get past this week's elimination.  I can't understand Bucky either, but he did okay this week.

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