Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Quick Hits

  • Even though I'm bullish and invested with beta, I see the market up and my first thought is "Gee, I wonder how long it'll be until this one reverses?" Doesn't that sort of thing get drilled into our psyche after seeing it happen for what seems like day after day? That's why I have to be patient. Overtrading doesn't work for me.

  • On 24 last night, (DVR spoiler alert)... Of course they escaped from the gas attack on CTU.  Well, 40% of them. The Hobbit didn't make it, though. And now that CTU has been incapacitated, Homeland Security is taking over! So there is your set up for next week's conflict.

  • March Madness is going to be streamed over the web.  For free. 

  • Ipod's and hearing loss. What? Actually, this is all about earbuds and how they affect hearing. Anything playing loud over the long term is probably damaging. Of course, I guess we'll study it and come up with some conclusion that loud noises damage hearing. Even listening to Cramer's realmoney on a jog. Booyah!

  • I lost a lot of weight when I went vegetarian.  Oh, now there's a study about it. Switching to vegetarian keeps weight down"Contrary to current popular views that a diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein keeps weight down, we found that the lowest weight gain came in people with high intake of carbohydrates and low intake of protein," said Professor Tim Key. Yup.  That's what I've noticed. As soon

In Edit: As Gail commented, I did forget to complete that last sentence. As soon as I go off my veggie diet and eat a little chicken or fish now and then, it doesn't take long before I've gained 5 pounds. Kind of strange, even if I'm eating healthy.

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