- Jessica Alba is on the cover of the March issue of Playboy. But be warned, there are no pictures of her "Fantastic Two" on the inside... A Playboy spokeswoman said Alba was placed on the cover after being chosen "sexiest star of the year" by its readers.
- She's 24, soon to be 25 on April 28th.
- She will be in both sequels to Sin City and Fantastic Four. I didn't like Sin City that much, and I only liked Fantastic Four because it surpassed my low expectations. Into the Blue was a decent movie. And who can forget her as Honey Daniels in Honey?
- The Senate has to vote to increase the debt ceiling by another $781 billion. It's currently $7.2 trillion. I can't even fathom that number. ...without an increase in the government's ability to borrow, it would default on obligations for the first time in history sometime during the week of March 20. That is an unthinkable prospect that would roil financial markets and damage the government's credit rating.
- "Empire of Debt."
- Oh, TGIF!