Friday, October 08, 2004

The Apprentice

I think it was Julie who was let go last night. I may have the name wrong, but it was a good show. Trump moved Julie from the boys team to the girls team, and the two teams had to sell a product on QVC. One new addition this season, is that Trump gives a comment on the important factor in the task. So far, failure at this has led to who gets fired. Yesterday, he said that pricing was everything when trying to sell volume. I was watching for that as the boys bickered about how much to price their grill, and the girls bickered about pricing their miracle eraser.

The men won by $10 in total sales. The women were devastated, and into the boardroom they went. Julie's crime was in the inproper pricing of the eraser, and not assigning the right folks to the right tasks. Although, those women seem to do more fighting than working.

I was thinking, a good Saturday Night Live skit would be Bush/Cheney and Kerry/Edwards being sent to Donald Trump's boardroom, where somebody would be fired!

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