Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Stolen Honor on The Radio

* Stolen Honor will be broadcast live over the radio, Friday 10/29 at 1:00pm on KFBK of Sacramento. They stream live!

* The news is out: Americans are a little taller and quite a bit heavier:

Yahoo! News - Americans a Bit Taller, Much Heavier, Report Says

* The knee-jerk reaction: Increase education spending and go after the fast-food industry.

The Institute of Medicine, which advises the federal government on health matters, last month said a range of measures would be needed to tackle childhood obesity, including nationwide school exercise programs and changes in fast-food advertising.

* Red Sox up 3-0!

* Gary Kaltbaum of radio's Investors Edge, said of Ashlee Simpson's live performance this week, that she sounded like a moose in heat!

* Kerry is closing the gap on Bush in the polls. Bush is up by 1%, but the battleground states are all that matter. Troubling for Kerry is the surge for Bush in Michigan, though. It's going to be close... I just hope we have a clear winner. Either way.

* If Kerry wins, I think he'd carry out the same foreign policy, and he'd run into a Congressional brick wall domestically. Lots of late budgets for four years.

* Two days in a row for the surging stock market! Has the fall rally begun? Even the financials are participating. Tech is strong. Google seems a bit bubbly, but I love their website.

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