Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Random Thoughts

* I thought Cheney did a little better, but I can't tell if Cheney won or Edwards won. Both sides probably feel that they did well.

* Oh boy, the government wants to get involved in trying to "help America's children from spiraling into obesity." Senator Chris Dodd wants to pass legislation aimed at reducing obesity. $60 million. Good grief. Any excuse for more government spending. Ridiculous. This is not the roll of government! Seems like my parents used to turn the TV off and tell me to "go outside and play."

* Everyone is anticipating a Yankees-Red Sox playoff series. Seems like nobody sent the memo to the Minnesota Twins. 1-0, Twinks.

* The eye candy at the Fun Factory isn't too bad...

* Much of Investors Business Daily is free online, and yesterday they had a great column about the UN oil-for-food scandal. It's not getting a lot of media attention, but the article makes a credible case that the reason we didn't have a larger coalition in Iraq is because France, Russia, and China were taking money on the sly from Saddam. The investigation is under way...

* is my favorite place to, well, check facts.

* My blog has become a little boring, I realize. I'm caught up in the political stuff. It's a grand diversion from the real world. I did muck with the look and feel a bit, but this is just temporary ...

* Last weekend, a good friend had a barbeque and there was lots of beer. Oh, and cigars. I could barely stand by the end of the day. Combine all that with a little touch football? Sore hamstrings for days. We're lucky we didn't do more damage to ourselves. Something about getting together with your friends and alcohol, the next thing you feel like you're 17 again. But... you're not. Hah. Darn hamstrings.

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