Thursday, August 24, 2006

Black Box Thoughts

  • I crunched the stock numbers through the Black Box, and it didn't have much to say about the general market. Still on the buy signal from near the lows of the summer trading range.  It did hint that it didn't like the way pharma was looking (toppy).   Sell on PPH and some of the big drug names.  Doesn't impact me at this point, as I haven't been allocated specifically to that sector.  I missed a buy signal on the IDU back in the spring that has worked out.  Not sure how I missed it, because in April that was one of things I said I'd be looking for a potential summer run.  Well, the buy signal came and I must've had my head in a bag of chips or something.  Good grief.
  • Oh, in addition to the Black Box, we can keep an eye on the monthly stuff. Post-options week tends to be weak. But end of month strength could come as early as next wednesday, and then we also have the usually positive Labor Day pre-holiday trend.
  • Were Dawson and Pacey behind Paramount's dismissing of Tom Cruise?  Granted, Cruise is a little goofy.  But he's made Paramount of TON of money.  While he did steal Joey (Katie Holmes) from Dawson and Pacey, I still hope the next Cruise movie grosses $1B.  Show 'em the money, Tom.
  • For awhile, I was watching tons of Netflix flicks.  But the pace has slowed down.  I'm not sure it's that great of a deal for me anymore.  Other than the convenience.  The latter is probably why I'll keep the service.
  • Swamped here at the Fun Factory.  Extremely busy.

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