Saturday, August 19, 2006

Weekend Links

  • My quick weekend summary of the market is WHOA NELLIE, WHAT A WEEK! I ran the Black Box and took a look at the stuff I follow, and I can't see a reason to be bearish here.  I have no sell signals.  Again, I'm thinking intermediate term.  Who knows if the market pulls back a bit first.  This had to catch folks worried about August and September a bit off-guard.   If we keep rallying through August, then at some point I'll look at easing back on the beta.  But not until the Black Box shows some worry lines.  Now.... On with the links!
  • Looking for more information on the Pension Reform Bill that President Bush signed into law this week?  Try here.
  • Awhile back, I jested about Terry Jacks having hidden stock market seasonality messages in his song "Seasons in the Sun."  He wasn't the only one.  Turns out The King, Elvis Presley did as well!  I don't want to bore you with the details but if you do enough math on the discography ...  These songs clearly define and warn us, years in advance, about the dot-com bubble.  Ah, it's not just the dot-com bubble.  Read the article and see why Elvis also predicted the Martha Stewart fiasco and contains other stock tips.
  • Cancel your plans to fly to Miami on monday to watch the Dolphins practiced.  It's a closed practice!  Do you have a Plan B?
  • You know Barry Ritholz is worried about inflation.  So is Don Luskin.  I guess I'll let them do the worryin' for me.
  • At Vox Baby, Andrew Samwick takes on Paul Krugman on Inequality
  • US health officials back use of viruses as food additiveA mix of bacteria-killing viruses can be safely sprayed on cold cuts, hot dogs and sausages to combat common microbes that kill hundreds of people a year, US health officials said in granting the first-ever approval of viruses as a food additive.  Note to self:  When ordering the veggie sandwich at Subway, make sure the workers change their gloves.  YUCK.
  • TraderFeed  on Why is it so easy to lose money in the markets
  • If you aren't aware of Jim Cramer's 10 Commandments of Trading, you may want to click the link to the Madd Money blog's recap of Cramer's friday radio show.  You may not.  It's up to you.
  • An interesting rambling called "Summer Haze" up at The Capital Spectator, which goes over recent economic indicators.
  • It's not just my coworkers who need to lose some weight, check out what's going on in ChinaNumbers of people in China who are now classified as overweight and obese have risen sharply in a relatively short time.
  • Yankees were scoring touchdowns against the Red Sox.  Now that's some bad pitching.

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