Friday, February 17, 2006


  • I get to the Fun Factory, pop on my headphones and the first song on the random shuffle is "Whole Lotta Rosie" by AC/DC. Now if that doesn't blow away the cobwebs, what does?

  • Well, the markets are down a bit as I'm typing. I've heard it said that all the volatility during options week tends to happen prior to friday, and the fridays are usually flat. Also, whenever stocks have made a move during a week, fridays tend to move in the opposite direction as traders book profits. We've had a strong week, so folks might be selling ahead of the three-day weekend. Also, if options weeks are positive, normally the week following is negative. And we're still in February, which is usually a weak month. But I've noticed that bearishness seems rather high considering we're at the highs of this bull market. I'm not doing much here except staying long.

  • I'm pretty hypnotized with Olympic curling. I think it's a great game. There's a Canadian website that has tons of info on the sport and Olympic coverage.

  • Lunch... Hmm. I'm thinking maybe a burrito.

  • I had a tough time waking up today. When the alarm went off I turned on CNBC, but I was sleeping right through it. Finaly, I realized "I better get up." But I think I could've easily slept another couple hours.

  • Back from lunch, burrito it was. Not that great.

  • Markets waning into the close. I think folks are making it a long weekend...

  • Is there Fantasy Curling?

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