Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Bulls Roar!

  • The market roared higher today. More than a one-day wonder or will this one have some legs?  Well if you listened to Bob Pisani this morning, he was saying that the last thing we want is a big move up.  He said we wanted the market to base and then rally.  Maybe he's right, but I've noticed that when the mood of the market changes it seems to start with a few days of furious rallies that really blast the bears and doesn't give folks a chance to get in.
  • If you want to know what the crowd is thinking, just read Jim Cramer.  The guy can go from super gloomy to super cheery on every zig or zag of the stock market.  On the same day.
  • I guess Bernanke sounded less hawkish today.  
  • No time to write more...

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