- Why not have more weekend links? I can't think of a reason not to. Check out some of the links on the right side of this blog, too.
- Found this link over at Adam'sDaily Options site (aka, "hat tip to Adam.") Ricky Williams debuts for Argonauts. It looks like Ricky’s domination of the Canadian game is not a given. He had seven yards on four carries. And I think his numbers get even worse when you consider the exchange rate. And it gets better with some Joe Theismann humor. Don't get discouraged, Argonauts fans. When Ricky came back to the Dolphins in 2005, he had 5 carries for 8 yards against Tampa Bay, then 6 carries for 1 yard against KC, and finaly broke out against New Orleans with 17 carries for 82 yards.
- Miami Dolphins Cheerleader of the week is Jackie. She likes Cuban food, Guns N' Roses, Christmas and tells us to "Be yourself." (I have no idea when that was last updated. Just looking for the Ricky stats from last year. Honest.).
- Just in case you missed the fireworks over UNH on Jim Cramer's blog over at realmoney, you can catch some of it highlighted at the Jim Cramer Alerts blog.

- Cafe Hayek on Senator Hillary Clinton proposing bringing back the 55 mph speed limit. Some math on how much gas it will save you vs. the cost of extra time you spend behind the wheel. Boo hiss. I think this is a ridiculous idea. But Hillary seems to have a bunch of those at the ready.
- Random Roger covers a few items in Barrons, including gold, emerging markets, and commodities. Kevin Stecyk over at Specious Argument covers the Jim Rogers article, too.
- Can't get enough of Larry Kudlow? How about Kudlow Radio on WABC saturday mornings? Set your Replay Radio...
- I did get a decent bike ride in today. It's not all sittin' and surfin'... Was listening to Bob Brinker while on the ride, and he took some angry calls on the unemployment numbers. The official number is 4.6%, and many folks called in taking exception with the official numbers. Brinker said something like the Nancy Pelosi fan club was calling in. Kind of funny. There are some partisan folks who think the numbers are one big government conspiracy, that's for sure.