- It's a saturday, so that means fire up the George Foreman grill and get the burgers ready! Don't forget to make a burger for George Jr, George Jr, George Jr... I think he has 5 boys named George and 5 girls named Georgette. Not sure about that, but lets go with it.
- Barry Ritholz, famous blogger of The Big Picture and writer over at Cramer's realmoney, has started up a paysite called Ritholz Research and Analytics. Today he has an entry up where he asks Big Picture readers: What is it that you are most interested in? Hey Barry, FREE CONTENT! Maybe you can make it up on volume! Oh, just having some fun with you BR and wish you the best luck with your new site!
- Added a new link to the right to The Stock Chartist. Check out his last few entries on Jim Cramer...
- Adam has your Weekend Links up on his Daily Options Report site.
- Jason has an interesting take up on yesterday's Consolidation Friday.

- Starbucks targeted for high fat products. The Center for Science in the Public Interest said it is planning to campaign against the global cafe chain because of the increased risk of obesity, heart disease and cancer associated with high-calorie, high-fat products it sells. What? Could those 610 calories of tastey goodness in a grande White Chocolate Frappuccino be fattening? Nutrition guide.
- I watched The Man Show on G4 TV for the first time ever last night. Pretty funny. Jimmy Kimmel I guess. Girls on trampolines!
- Who is at fault for poverty? The WSJ takes a look at poverty. Seems like the political parties give a lot of lip service to this topic.