- I sold my oil firstthingthis morning. I've been a little emotional about it. It jumps around on every news story about Iran. If the US or EU announce some sort of friendly gesture, oil plunges. When Iran tells us to go screw ourselves, oil ramps. Back and forth. Summer is here and demand is high. India and China are using it more and more. I don't think we'll see oil prices head down. Maybe some of this is priced in if oil is waiting on the latest out of Iran from minute to minute. But I booked my gains and will look to deploy cash elsewhere for now.
- The market? Lots of Iran jitters there, too. I don't have a feel for it after the Black Box buy signal last wednesday. I'm still in the beta, even though it's pulling back a bit. Falling back on my general monthly cycle stuff, since this is the week before options expiration, it wouldn't surprise me to see some weakness. If we get it then I'll probably deploy the remaining cash into more beta.

- Netflix flicks... After watching "Walk the Line" last weekend, I was in Reese Witherspoon mood. Since I like sappy romantic comedies, I went for "Just Like Heaven" this weekend. It's a boy meets ghost kind of movie. Seems like a story line we've seen bazillion times before, but it was cute. Didn't get to the second flick, Domino. More on that later this week...
- Market selling off a bit more as I type. Hmm.
- The Peru vote is over, and the "good guy" Alan Garcia won. Or so they say. Stocks related to that seem to be getting a decent bounce. I'm not sure if that means things are hunky-dorey in South America, but it's better that Garcia won than the leftist. Probably.
- Gee, no TV to talk about. "Rock Star: Supernova" starts in July. That's where some guys from Metalica, Guns 'N Roses, and Motley Crue get together to look for a lead singer. Oh, I'll watch it.