- Remember the time when all you had was 3 VHF channels and maybe a UHF channel running PBS and lots of Sesame Street 24x7? On the YouTube upgrade... Broadcast TV offers eight channels and cable or satellite TV has up to 600 choices. YouTube allows a viewer to choose 10,000 channels or more, Powers said. Where am I supposed to find all this time to watch all these channels?
- Well, the market ramped up early on a weaker than expected jobs number. Early on, this meant that the Freakies might be done with their rate hikes. Not sure what it means now as the market drifts mildly lower.
- And of course, whatever the news was yesterday that sent oil crashing is exactly the opposite today as oil goes higher with a zoom-a-zoom-zoom and a boom-boom. Iran. Nigeria. Broken down refineries. Hurricanes. Apparantly none of these were in the picture yesterday. Who knows.

- Of course, Iran rejected any offer that doesn't include them continuing on their nuclear enrichment program. Looks like we'll have to beef up my earlier suggestions. But looks like they're pretty determined to be in the nuclear club, no matter what the rest of the world thinks. I wonder if we have to at least give the appearance that we're trying to talk about it first before we take any military action. Especially considering the world view on the US-Iraq. Larry Kudlow has some rather harsh but maybe realistic thoughts from that angle.
- Went to Chipotle for lunch. Heck, that place is crowded everytime I see it. I guess using the Peter Lynch style of investing, I should buy some shares. But these kinds of places are subject to fads and trends, so I'll probably pass. But I might get another burrito bowl soon.
- Cramer getting skewered on his blog over at realmoney today for his UNH comments the past few weeks. It's a way-fun read today. As is the bickering over on the Columnist Conversation between Cody and Barry. You can read it over at Barry's blog, too.. Hey, nobody is going to be right 100% of the time unless they have a crystal ball. I keep searching EBAY for one, but haven't won any bids yet.
- I don't think the action today was that bad if you're long stocks. I like to see the market trending up near the end of the trading day. It has that feeling of "money being put to work."
- Eh, Fun Factory business is calling...